Official UC blog

March 2023 Newsletter

Written by Jody M. | Mar 9, 2023 2:12:35 AM

March 2023 UC Newsletter

Unified Compliance Newsletter

March 2023


Newsletter Highlights

New Beginnings

March, coming in like a Lion, Spring forward


New Opportunities - Jobs

Newsletter: Older editions

Upcoming Documents

Authority Documents

UCF & CCH, how they work together VIDEOs

New Beginnings

With spring returning from a relatively cold winter, we see new growth sprouting around us. So too, dawns new opportunities to learn about compliance. Our Chairman and Chief Compliance Scientist, Dorian Cougias, is available to YOU, our Developers, VARs, Resellers, and Industry Professionals, whenever needed to share everything you need or want to know about the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) and the Common Controls Hub (CCH). To help you dive deeper into compliance. Together, with our Marketing department, we can help expand your reach to GRC industry audiences worldwide. Want to find out how? Email us  or send the email link to your marketing experts and our Media experts will reach out to collaborate.

March, coming in like a Lion, Spring forward

Do your part for the Biden Administration’s National Security Strategy

The Biden Administration's National Cybersecurity Strategy emphasizes the need for collaboration and coordination between different regulatory bodies to ensure a consistent and effective approach to cybersecurity.

This call for harmonization and streamlining can be applied to all areas of regulatory compliance. The question is, how do we streamline and harmonize our existing compliance requirements? 

Find out here.


Did you know that the cost effectiveness of learning to map documents internally really pays off after 165 citations, click here to read more and see the math and for an overview, UCF Mapper Overview

New Opportunities - Jobs

Newsletter: Older editions

Want to read the news released about Unified Compliance? All released newsletters are posted the same day they are emailed. Check out post UCF news. Read our Newsletters.

Upcoming Documents

The UCF team has plans to map the following Documents:

National Cybersecurity Strategy [AD 3598]
NI5T SP 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems, Rev. 1 (Final) [AD 3566]
ISO 45001:2018, Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use, First Edition [AD 3589]
BSI-Standard 200-2 IT-Grundschutz Methodology, Version 1.0 [AD 3579]

Next Quarter

Australian Government Information Security Manual, December 2022 [AD 3595]

Authority Documents

What are the most accessed AD's monthly?

This month's list of the 50 most selected Authority Documents, including how many groups and initiatives each Authority Document has been assigned!

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Electronic Manufacturing Services & Original Design Manufacturing Sustainability Accounting Standard, Version 2018-10 [AD:3583] 

Risk Management

Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework, NIST AI 100-1 [AD:3591]

Harmonization Methods or Manual of Style

ISO 704:2022 Terminology work — Principles and methods, 4 [AD: 3588]

Which Authority Documents are most important to you?

Submit a request HERE.

UCF & CCH, how they work together VIDEOs

Here’s a short 5-min overview of the Common Controls Hub.

And a fast-paced, 30-min overview of how the Common Controls Hub and the UCF work together, including a full CCH demo.

Best Wishes,

Aubrey Bousley, Account Manager

and the UCF Sales Team


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