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Monthly Selected Authority Documents - March, 2019

Here is a list of the 50 most selected Authority Documents in the Common Controls Hub this past...

Scheduled Maintenance 03.20.19

Unified Compliance will be performing system wide maintenance Wednesday, March 20th between 4:00 -...

4 new Authority Documents have been added to the UCF

Digital Identity Guidelines: Federation and Assertions AD ID: 2953 Status: Released Availability:...

Monthly Selected Authority Documents - February, 2019

Here is a list of the 50 most selected Authority Documents in the Common Controls Hub this past...

Monthly Selected Authority Documents - January, 2019

Here is a list of the 50 most selected Authority Documents in the Common Controls Hub this past...

1 new Authority Documents have been added to the UCF

South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 38, Chapter 99 Insurance Data Security Act, Section 38-99-10 -...

6 Authority Documents being mapped into the UCF

3709 Map Citations for "Digital Identity Guidelines, NIST SP 800-63-3" [AD 2976] into the UCF START...

Scheduled Maintenance 02.11.19

Unified Compliance will be performing system wide maintenance Monday, February 11th between 4:00 -...

Scheduled Maintenance 02.07.19

Unified Compliance will be performing system wide maintenance this evening between 4:00 - 5:00 PM...


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