Official UC blog

Release Notes 06.04.21

Written by Vicki M. | Jun 4, 2021 11:02:01 PM

Updates to the UCF Mapper were released Friday, June 4th, 2021.


Mapper Task steps were updated or removed to streamline the Mapping Process. These updates will only affect tasks created after this release.

Mapper: Citation Tagging Task Steps  

    • "Are there multiple mandates?" This step has been replaced with a system prompt for another mandate until the user inputs "No."
    • "Drag and drop the following tagged terms..." This step has been removed.

Mapper: Add Term Task Steps

    • "We are attempting to automatically tag the definition..." This step, along with related steps, has been removed.
    • "Does the definition apply to the term in question?" This step, along with related steps, has been removed.

 Mapper: Citation Entry Task Step 

    • "Is this a stub or are there no mandates?" This step has been updated to the following: "Is this a stub or informational citation?"

If you have any questions or comments about this update, please contact


The UCF Team