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Common Controls Hub®

Scope, Define, and Maintain Your Compliance Framework. Common Controls Hub® provides immediate insights into redundant controls and requirements and identifies blind spots in your current compliance.

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What is the Unified Compliance Framework®?

And how does it relate to the Common Controls Hub® ?
Close up of a bookshelf in library
The Unified Compliance Framework®  contains:
check-icon 1,000 Mapped authority documents
check-icon 1,000,000+ Individual mandated
check-icon 10,000+ Common controls
check-icon 250,000 Interconnected words and phrases in the dictionary
The Common Controls Hub® (CCH®) is the dynamic Software-as-a-Service portal built on the Unified Compliance Framework to extract the needed data quickly. Authority Documents are mapped into the UCF, and the data is viewed and extracted through the CCH.


Authority document defined

An authority document is simply a document that your organization must comply with.

Two architects at work discussing a project
Different Authority Document types we have identified are:
check-icon Audit &/or Best Practice Guidelines
check-icon Bill or Act
check-icon Contractual Obligation
check-icon Organizational Directive
check-icon Regulation or Statute
check-icon Safe Harbor
check-icon Self-Regulatory Body Requirement


Authority Documents

How to keep pace with regulatory demands.

Unified Compliance® maps global regulatory controls from authority documents covering information technology, physical security, records management, privacy, and third-party supply chain. An Authority Document could be your company's internal organizational governance documents or one that forms regulations, principles, standards, guidelines, best practices, policies, and procedures. 
To see mapped authority documents, click below.



Regulations Concept. Word on Folder Register of Card Index. Selective Focus.


Comparing Authority Documents

Create a gap overlap analysis to drastically reduce audit elements.

Quickly and easily compare any Authority Documents or AD lists for gap/overlap to gauge the impact of new initiatives and eliminate redundant common controls in multiple regulations. Route your compliance requirements with as many third parties and supply chain members as needed and track their attestation with immediate reporting on their regulatory compliance adherence, reducing the complexity of monitoring and managing third-party and supply chain compliance to regulations.

How? Select Authority Documents or an AD list for Column A; this could be your "baseline" requirements set. Pick ADs or an AD list for column B; this could represent your risk, a new initiative, a new law, a third party's compliance profile, and more. To see the overlap of Common Controls in List A and B, click on the arrow next to Both AB (and check out the information icon on the Common Controls for Both AB). Once you have your A/B comparison, click Export Compare List and download it to copy to your computer. How much time and money did you save? Click the green dollar sign in the middle column and see. 


Track your progress

How does it relate to the Common Controls Hub?

A successful compliance campaign requires tracking your compliance and gathering the necessary evidence. Instead of manually tracking Controls completion in spreadsheets, you can efficiently track it all online in the CCH. It is easy when you have our patented unique algorithm doing the heavy lifting for you in just minutes.

Confident female designer working on a digital tablet in red creative office space-Mar-28-2024-03-36-17-4487-PM


Test the Common Controls Hub® Now


Starter account vs. Basic subscription

Understand the difference so you can make the right decison.
One User
Quickly customize lists for your company.
Nothing to Download or Install.
90 Day Trial Period
Basic Subscription
Three Users
Advanced reporting and analytics
Authority Document Comparisons
Priority chat and email support


Common Controls Hub®

How does it help?


Create your own framework and compile custom, harmonized Authority Document lists and Common Control lists in minutes. Select and create lists by specific vertical industries, market segments, geographies, or document search

Gap Analysis

Finds overlaps and gaps between standards to drastically reduce audit requirements while helping organizations understand the impact of new laws/standards


Audits and Risk Management - Common Controls that call out for the identification, analysis, assessment, control, avoidance, minimization, or elimination of unacceptable risks.


Research allows users to search and view the relationships between the Unified Compliance Framework's elements. It was created to allow mappers to view the language being used in Common Controls, how Common Controls are tagged, what Citations map to Common Controls, and how the Citations map to Common Controls.

Common Language

Common language refers to words or phrases that are commonly understood by groups of people or in this case, machines. In the Common Controls Hub SaaS portal, common language is processed using our unique multilingual AI natural language algorithm.

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is the handling of the entire production flow within the Unified Compliance Framework. From distribution to the auditor or third-party management, your compliance regulations are delivered deduplicated with the most credible and legally defensible  standards available.

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Put Unified Compliance to work for you

The Unified Compliance suite of products saves compliance professionals time and reduces manual labor.